So you have your residential ZEFNET enabled charger installed, and you want to setup the mobile app so you can see what your charger is up to? I mean, it is a smart charger after all!
Let's jump into getting you setup:
1. Browse to either the Android Play or Apply App store on the phone you want to install the ZEFNET Charge app on
2. Search for the "ZEFNET Charge" App (see below for what it may look like on your phone):
3. Click on the ZEFNET Charge app, and click on the "Install" button:
4. Once the app has opened, click on the "Create account" text to create your account for the ZEFNET Charge App:
5. Enter the email address you want to create an account for, along with the password you want to use and hit the Create Account button:
6. Once the account is created, a code will be sent to your email address just registered. Retrieve that code from your email, ensuring to also check your junk mail if it's not in your main inbox. Enter it into the Confirmation Code box, along with your email address, and hit Confirm:
7. Now confirmed, login with your email and newly established password (not the confirmation code just used).
8. The next screen prompts you for the Serial Number on the side of the charger, so you can link your new charger with your newly created account. The Serial Number starts with HC1C, and the location of the sticker can be shown by clicking on the "Where is my serial?" text. Enter your serial number, and press the "Check Availability" button. If your charger has not already been associated with someone else's account, a green tick will appear:
9. Your charger is now successfully setup and associated with you email account. You can now control, and review usage of your ZEFNET enabled residential charger within the ZEFNET Charge App.