ZEFNET provides the ability to run various different reports, with download capability.  This article outlines details of the fields in the charging session report.

Field NameDescription
NameName of the charger as specified in the ZEFNET Portal
Sticker ID number as specified in the charger setup screens
SerialSerial number of the charger, as reported by the charger
InitiatorWhich partner initiated the session? ZEF? ChargeHub.. .etc?  This will be blank if a free vend session.
IdentityThe ID that the billing will be attributed to.  E.g. ZEF User ID, ChargeHub User ID, the ID that the Credit Card Reader shares with the Charger when authorization a charge etc.  Note: The Credit Card Reader shares an ID that doesn't change with the charger, and the charger recognizes that this ID is "The Credit Card Reader telling me that I have an authorized user", but is NOT the unique user.  The Credit Card Reader does NOT tell the charger WHO swiped the card, simply the fact that someone successfully swiped a card, and is telling the charger to allow a session to start.
StartOn a L2, it signifies either when a vehicle was plugged in or the Start button was pressed on an App (not when a car began charging).  On a DCFC, this means a DCFC has requested to Start a Session - this is no guarantee that a session will start though. 
Plug DurationThe total time that a vehicle is plugged in.
Charge DurationThe total time that a vehicle is charging (aka pulling power).
EnergyAmount of energy used during the session.
CostCost of the session.
Bill DetailsIf the cost profile has been setup in the Billing module, then a detailed Bill will be available for review.  If the cost profile is setup in the normal charger setup window, then the Bill detail will not be populated. 

Example of Billing module:

This allows for fine-grained setting of charges on a charger. Creating a billing profile, will lead to Bill Details object being generated in the charging sessions report.  If there is no billing profile associated with the charger, the Bill Details object in the report will NOT be populated.

Example of Simple L2 Billing screen:

To setup L2 billing in a simple way, you can enter the charger configuration through the EDIT button on a specific device.  Creating L2 billing in this way will NOT result in the Bill detail object being populated in the charging sessions report.